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Wilde Imagination Parnilla Review

Since I rarely get to see a fullset doll I thought it would be good to do a short review. I've already introduced the brand in the previous post so lets get on to the meat and gristle!

The first thing I want to look at is the body because while I'm usually attracted to the head sculpt first, the body sculpt and engineering is the base for the head. Most companies sell heads and bodies separately but since WI does not, you're stuck with buying the body to get the head.

The first thing you will notice is that the body sculpt is definitely a "Fashion" doll body meaning that the shape is based on the ability to wear scaled clothing well instead of trying to reproduce a realistic body. There is no sign of musculature and the only sign of a skeleton that might be under the skin is a slight barely noticeable collarbone since that shows up with most clothing. The waist is very small to allow for fabric bunching and thicker seams in comparison to human clothing. The legs are slender but look more like twigs than legs and her arms are mostly plain cylinders. This criteria alone means that she is OT for DOA.

Doll Nudity Under Cut.

Joint wise, she is single jointed all over and instead of ball joints at the ankle, she has swivel joints. This is another detail that means she is OT for DOA. While I don't mind single joints I much prefer double joints or single joints that have more flexibility than WI's Evangeline/Parnilla body. The arms and legs only bend to right angles at the elbow, thigh joints and knees. I also don't like the swivel joints on the ankles because there is no way she can stand on her own with inflexible ankles and high heeled feet. All the BJDs I own can stand in high heel shoes on their own or without shoes in their heel feet because of their body engineering. WI dolls cannot and are intended for display on a stand. She is propped against the box in the photos and when she has her heels on it is almost impossible to get her to stand even propped up. She is possibly the worse resin BJD I've come across pose wise. (Most BJDs can stand on their own and sit fairly easily even while dressed)

The thing that I am most drawn to about WI is the clothing. There is a lot of detail in the clothing and some of the designs are very pretty. They don't always look as realistic as some BJD clothes and the styles tend to be more frilly or dressed up than I usually like but there is quite a lot to choose from and there is usually something I wouldn't mind owning.

In "My Odd Life" version, Parnilla wears a beautiful silvery gown with lace overlay. The sleeves have a gathered detail and I love that there are tiny zippers running up the inseam so you can get the tight fitting sleeves on and off. She also wears a fur bolero with a wide muted aqua bow in satin. Underneath her gown you will find a pair of nude mesh tights and dainty muted aqua pumps.

Material and design wise, the entire outfit is gorgeous. The lace overlay is soft and falls nicely. The bolero is made of faux fur but it's so soft it could be real. However, I noticed that there is a seam on the side of the lace overlay where the thread ended and they had to start a new spool. They didn't start sewing where the old thread ended so there is a centimeter gap in the seam. It's an easy fix but it's also something they could have done correctly without any additional hassle.

Another issue I have with the clothes is that as beautiful as the outfit is, it significantly impairs the mobility of the body. It's not just the design of the dress which would impair even a human being with the tight skirt. Even just the tights from the outfit prevents the doll from posing freely because it is so tight. The mesh is not elastic. Without the dress on it's easier to pose the legs. With the entire outfit on, it's nearly impossible to even get her to sit. I'm a lot more familiar with the stretchy sort of fabrics used for ABJD stockings and tights that allow owners to pose their dolls in all sorts of realistic positions for photos. This choice of material shows how WI is primarily concerned about the fashion doll culture which is about stiff and pretty standing and sometimes stiff and pretty sitting poses instead of what the ABJD aesthetic has become.

Even with the struggle of getting her to sit ( I don't own a doll stand and she doesn't come with one) I was able to get some nice photos of her. I edited them to show her in similar positions in her default state.

If anyone is wondering if Parnilla clothing fit BJDs, I would say usually not. The only doll some designs might fit are the smaller bodies from BBB and ResinSoul since they have the narrowest bodies. Some styles might fit Fairyland Chicline dolls if they are looser in the hip since Chiclines are a bit bigger in the hip that the fashion body from WI. I've heard that Ellowyne clothes can sometimes fit the small BBB/RS MSD body as well as Minifees but again, this mostly pertains to looser dresses and skirts. Pants and tights will most likely not fit ABJDs since WI bodies are fashion bodies with twiggy legs, hips and tiny waists.

And in regards to the wig....I'd rather not bother. WI has some great looking wigs but considering their price, what I see in real life is not worth it. The wig is lopsided and crushed. The design isn't holding and is falling down on one side even though it's literally lacquered into place with some sort of glue. There were bits of fiber from the wig all over the shoulders of the doll. Most likely from trimming the bangs, but couldn't they shake most of that out before sending the wig out. It wasn't just one or two pieces, it was like she was wearing a fur collar. Even after a lot of handling for the photoshoots, it was still shedding bits everywhere. I would still consider getting one or two of the more interesting wigs from WI for my own dolls but probably only if they were on sale.

Finally I wanted to go over the tattoo that was added on to the commission right after I finished the faceup. The request was for a small owl somewhere visible when she was dressed. Naturally I chose colors that would work well with the faceup and outfit but still stand out. In the end I'm quite happy with the results. Granted it doesn't look like a real tattoo, but I did not intend it to and I think the soft colors work well with her.

Here's an updated timing chart to show how long this commission took. Please note that I don't time everything because it's kind of impossible to time how long it takes to communicate or when I sit there staring at the doll contemplating what I should do. I think it does however give a good idea of at least how long it takes me to work on different commissions.

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