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Avon Gives: Anti-Aging Miracle! --- CLOSED!!!

Anti-aging products, *sigh* how I love thee!  I used to think anti-aging products are for the "lolas" (Grandmoms) but yeah, call me a grandma as I'm a proud user of anti-aging products!  (If only I can slather them all over the rest of my body? lol)

You guys who read my blog do know I worked in China for a good 3 plus years, and one brand that got the Chinese girls crazy is Avon!  I've visited their stalls and shops in Shenzhen and I saw how women went "ga-ga" over Avon whitening products and of course, anti-aging products! 

It must be really good...

Some of my readers and friends say I look young for my age (why, thank you!) :P  I have to thank my grandparents and parents as they never look their age!  So it must be in the genes right?  What if it's not in your genes?

Well, I'm quite surprised to read the product information on the new Anew Genics --- Avon has discovered a breakthrough skincare technology that taps into the youth gene in every person to instantlyl unveil a younger-looking skin. 

"As the pioneer in transformative, anti-aging breakthroughs since 1992, we are excited to introduce Anew Genics --- another groundbreaking product that women will definitely be excited to try.  Finally, every woman's wish of getting their youthful looks back is no longer an impossibility," shared Xiaochun Luo, Chief Scientific Officer and Group Vice President for Avon's Global Research and Development.  "Out international team of researchers and product developers invested 10years in devloping this product to make younger and reenergized skin accessible to women."

And now, YOU can look 10 years younger yourself PLUS an extra cute gold watch with changeable straps to help you turn back time! :D (Aminin! Ang ganda ng watch no!!!) :P

  • Comment ONCE on this blog post together with your name and email address.
  • LIKE Avon on Facebook and follow them on Twitter (@AvonPH)
  • Simply tell me your real age and tell me what most people think your age is.  (Example: "I'm 25 years old but most people think I'm on my early 30s!")
  • Contest is open to Philippine Residents. 
  • Contest starts today ends May 12, 2012 (11:59pm)
  • 1 Winner will be picked via random generator and will be emailed for notification.  Winner must respond within 48 hours or a new winner will be picked!
**Anew Genics Treatment Concentrate will be available through Avon representatives nationwide for Php1,799.00 (approx $42.00).   

Thanks Avon Philippines for always supporting AMW!
Keep smilin'
Stay happy!

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