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How to accept criticism (or not?)

It isn't true, says your ego. They are all (pretty little) liars! Ouch... Again, we cannot just squeeze people into tiny labelled boxes, even if we try our best. Every single bastard in our lives is there on purpose to teach us a lesson, either a pleasant one or a painful and difficult one which will shut us up for some time. I used to take everything very personally and even avoid conversation with people who criticize. It's quite intimidating when someone you admire points out something you don't like about yourself, right? But we can only improve by falling and changing. Or sometimes understand why one said certain things that are not near the truth.

Here's something to think about:
We love to feel comfortable with our friends, but who is a friend if not someone who wishes the best for us and therefore reminds us of the things we may overlook or postpone doing?

Phases or taking criticism are usually following:
Criticism, awful filling of being the worst, realizing you have a problem, feeling betrayed and trying to forget about it, hating that person.

I try to do so:
Criticism, a) realizing I have a problem, trying to understand why I had to hear that, letting go the person who may hurt you and be thankful for a lesson, an opportunity, making a plan to improve this! b) thinking about objectivity of what was said, realizing that she/he has her own problems which are being projected, forgiving.

My head is a jungle, sometimes I'm scared of what I aim for but a well known quote says "If your dreams don't scare you they aren't big enough."

Bandeau: Tally Weijl
Shirt: grandmas, vintage
Pants: vintage
Belt: H&M

As an eyeliner I used THIS pencil.

Photo: Robert Ribič

Do you already know what's going to be your Halloween costume?
I'll  do a makeup transformation, but i'm not decided yet so I give you the opportunity to decide instead of me! Write down in comments your IDEAS and I'll choose the best one and *REWARD* the winner with a brand new (my favourite) ESSENCE I <3 Extreme mascara! Don't forget to leave your email so I'll be able to contact you if I choose your idea as the best one. :)
Good luck, the game is till Sunday!


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