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Terrible product warning: Essence Me & My Ice Cream Shimmer Pearls

Hello everyone, I bought the pretty looking shimmer pearls from Essence a few days ago because they only cost 3,29 and I love pretty highlighters. It looked okay when I got home. The sponge that comes with it was quite disappointing, it was rougher than a new kitchen sponge. That may have been necessary to get product from the pearls, but I can't imagine it would be good for the skin, application either. I thought of using a blush brush stiff enough to get some of the product from the pearls, but then a got a waft of the pearls...I nearly died. The smell of the pearls is...well...horendous... I would describe it as a mixture of...poop and ammonia... I got a throbbing headache and my stomach was about to turn. I'm thinking of tossing it in the bin. Coincidently one of Catrice's products had the same problem: the eyeshadow quads. Funny enough that eyeshadow made my eyelids burn. Maybe I should stop buying budget makeup forever?
These are the pearls:

This is the eyeshadow quad:

Just a little warning...
Til next time!

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