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Tim Pool excited by Pew Die Pie moving to DLIve and he explains why people are single longer

 Lionel Wagner
   PewDie Pie is taking on YouTube and going to some platform called DLIve and more and more people are going to avoid the censorship of YouTube as Tim Pool reports. Tim Pool says the kleptocrats have created monopolists and using the tech sectors one liberals have long censored and attempted to censor right-wingers and conservatives and the day has long been needed for
conservatives to start their own social media and video sites. Dlive will allow people to use crypto currency and avoid the big tech field and this news according to Tim Pool is huge and a step in the right direction for people on getting off sites like YouTube that censor free speech. Tim Pool also talked about the difficulties and why people are marrying at a later age or not marrying as previous generations and he said this is a deliberate plot  to lower the whit population and making it more difficult for White Americans ins starting families as top jobs are reserved for overly-schooled immigrates and it is very difficult for people in their late teens and early twenties to start a family. This is an intended goal of the global business system that wishes and so desires to make money form having much of the world live like migratory geese ala Filipinos.Tim Pool and Pew Die Pie are two great figures in leading the fight against the antifa -type real fascists of the modern era and more and more people are trying out alternative social media and video sites as empowering the enemies of the globalist tech sector and business data thieves like Google and YouTube,Facebook is not something people are open up to any longer when acquiring the knowledge and I always stated people need to make up fake data and demographic, ages and names if having to join these established internet monopolies.

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