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Thanksgiving Laziness

What did you do for Thanksgiving? I didn't do much, got my hands tied across the big pond here and couldn't participate in any of the Black Friday/Cyber Monday craziness :( Boo. Hiss. Well, I did indulge in an online Sephora order, getting a few shaving gift sets for hubby and, umm, getting this nifty Sephora tote for myself ^.^

***Picture from Sephora USA.

Ha, never would I imagine myself turning into a "bag lady," erh, "freebie bag lady," to be more precise. I would say the cosmetics/skin care GWP situation in the US is pretty freakin' awesome, now if only the US magazines would give out freebies with each issue too...

Wore this out to yakiniku Thanksgiving dinner (pics below) with hubby. Totally uninspiring, no? And yes, that's my tiny doorway. Hubby has to duck whenever he comes through. Poor guy.

As per our yearly tradition, instead of taking a stroll through the mall on Black Friday, we took a stroll through Chinatown in search of cooking ingredients. I made a bit more effort to dress myself this time ;P

Not wanting to cook anything for Thanksgiving (no access to turkeys, plus we're not a big fan anyway...), hubby and I went out for Korean BBQ at Shichirin Yakiniku AnAn again. Close enough, right? :P

And I actually took pictures of the food this time instead of gobbling them all up. Well actually, the first picture was taken after half of the food had been eaten xD

We pretty much ordered everything we wanted, beef, chicken, bibimbap, soup, kimchee sides, etc. We left the place stuffed silly, just as we would at home :)

This "soup" was more like porridge because it had rice in it, but it was fantastic! And spicy too!

We're not missing out much this Thanksgiving I guess, except for the family and friends, of course, and perhaps all the crazy Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopping madness too. Then again, we would never ever line up or camp out for anything anyway. Usually, we just take a stroll more or less through the mall and that was it, so this year we took a walk through Chinatown instead :P

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