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Coming Soon ~ Film Group Experience

Tune in or really commit and play along!

I'm not going to have much time to post over the next few days as the festival ends & partying and travel back to NYC begin, but I'm giving you the heads up on some upcoming topics. And a calendar to live by! (I'm imagining you all chanting "So say we all" -don't disappoint me) I know I haven't always been the most punctual writer in terms of my promises but I keep on trying and I have my strengths --f'rinstance: when have you ever had to go a day without something to read or look at on TFE?

Cast This
Each month I'll give you the title of the book I'm going to read and on the last Thursday of the month you can discuss with me and throw casting ideas about! It's a cinematic twist on the book club. If you are illiterate and come here for the pretty movie star pictures, you'll have to stare dumbly at the screen one day a month. My apologies.

May's book: The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold
This was recommended by a couple of readers as a "can't miss" and up for both a Hugo and a World Fantasy award in 2001. So let's take them on their word.

Requested Retrospectives
I'll do my best to stay on track. A calendar for you and me. Here are the tentative dates by which I will discuss movies and hopefully completely clear my backlog of promises so we can start fresh by fall. If you screen these prior to the post/review/discussion, I guarantee: more fun. Plus, it's a good incentive to stop putting off seeing something you've always meant to. You're not alone: the three movies with the asterisks here I have never seen.

5/12 The Piano (1993) netflix / greencine / blockbuster
5/15 Network (1976) netflix / greencine / blockbuster
* 5/19 Abba: The Movie (1977) netflix / blockbuster
5/26 Moulin Rouge! (2001) "An Object of My Obsession (Pt 3)"
5/29 Cast This: The Curse of Chalion (i.e. book club)
* 6/02 A Touch of Evil (1958) netflix / greencine / blockbuster
* 6/09 Julia (1977) netflix / blockbuster
6/12 Maurice (1987) netflix / greencine / blockbuster

Play along. But be patient if I run late. Normal blogging will also occur (duh)

[P.S. These aren't blog-a-thons in the traditional sense but if you happen to write about these in time or in conjunction with the discussions here, let me know and I'll link up under "further reading" -Nathaniel]

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